Crest stands for perfection, the absolute top of the range. Conceited? Test it yourself! DONIC CREST is impressive with ... See More


Crest stands for perfection, the absolute top of the range. Conceited? Test it yourself! DONIC CREST is impressive with its fantastic feel! Experience the unique feel of this blade.
Nine perfectly adjusted and precisely processed plies are the secret of these absolute top class offensive blades: Fast, excellent feel, very solid and relatively light despite the nine plies.
The extremely thin carbon layers guarantee a much larger sweetspot, the Carbon ZF-plies create stability, flexibility and la blade that is light to play with.
Excellent playing characteristics, wonderful touch and the ultimate feel!

Brand: DONIC
Item code: 14101501
Speed: 89
Control: 63
Weight: 85 g
Layers: 7+2
Pcs: 1 pcs
Material: carbon
ITTF: yes
Warranty: 2 years

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