DONIC - Original True Carbon

The blade chosen by Dima Ovtcharov presents the perfect combination of speed and feel. As a consequence of the change ... See More


The blade chosen by Dima Ovtcharov presents the perfect combination of speed and feel. As a consequence of the change to plastic balls, the European Champion looked for a solution that would meet his high requirements - a blade to compliment Dima´s powerful strokes whilst enabling him to play the short service and return game with precision and accuracy. The combination of five high quality plies and two layers of carbon, plus a specially designed synthetic fiber, has resulted in a top quality blade. This means that Dima Ovtcharov is able to use the hardness of the blade for his power game, yet retain fine touch when reacting to his opponent´s spin.

Brand: DONIC
Item code: 14101602
Speed: 88
Control: 64
Weight: 90 g
Layers: 5+2
Pcs: 1 pcs
Material: carbon
ITTF: yes
Warranty: 2 years

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