DONIC - Persson Dotec OFF
The covering ply is constructed of Japanese Hinoki, supplemented with a middle layer of Koto. A Dotec mesh lies between ... See More
The covering ply is constructed of Japanese Hinoki, supplemented with a middle layer of Koto. A Dotec mesh lies between the Japanese Hinoki and the middle Koto layer. The core consists of 5.0 mm Dotec-Balsa.
Playing Characteristics:
The insertion of the legendary Japanese Hinoki wood, in combination with Balsa and Koto plies, has been a unique advance by DONIC Dotec technology. The finished product is an offensive blade for players of every ability, with top speed and fantastic feel in every playing situation.
Brand: DONIC
Item code: 14101215
Playing Characteristics:
The insertion of the legendary Japanese Hinoki wood, in combination with Balsa and Koto plies, has been a unique advance by DONIC Dotec technology. The finished product is an offensive blade for players of every ability, with top speed and fantastic feel in every playing situation.
Brand: DONIC
Item code: 14101215
Speed: 89
Control: 66
Weight: 75 g
Layers: 5+2
Material: carbon
ITTF: yes
Warranty: 2 years
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