STIGA - Legacy Carbon

STIGA 2020 Legacy Carbon is a 5+2-ply carbon blade that combines the new 12k Energy Carbon fibre with three different ... See More


STIGA 2020

Legacy Carbon is a 5+2-ply carbon blade that combines the new 12k Energy Carbon fibre with three different classic STIGA wood veneers and thicknesses. The high-end 12k Energy Carbon used in the blade is based on the renowned Spread Tow Carbon fibre technology with 88 g of carbon fibre per m2. This creates a lightweight carbon fibre which amplifies the energy of the blade and provides better energy transfer across the entire surface. For the middle and outer veneer, the combination of abachi and limba wood types provides improved dwell-time, thus greater control and feeling in the short game and demanding situations. The stiffer pine wood used in the second layer increases the trajectory and power, thus providing a well-balanced offensive blade. Perfect for players who want to constantly put pressure on their opponent with both backhand and forehand offensive strokes.
• Very offensive 5+2-ply blade with 12k Energy Carbon technology (88 g carbon fibre/m2).
• Unique combination of carbon fibre and three classic STIGA wood veneers.
• Long, powerful trajectory and enlarged sweet spot.
• Great control and feeling in the short game and demanding situations.
• Developed in conjunction with top STIGA-sponsored players.
• Handmade in Sweden.

Brand: STIGA
Item code: 12102001
Speed: 93
Control: 69
Weight: 90 g
Layers: 5+2
Pcs: 1 pcs
Material: carbon
ITTF: yes
Warranty: 2 years

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