Andro - Timber 5 ALL/S

TIMBER With our TIMBER Line, we rely on the pure performance of natural wood and veneer structures. In the layer ... See More


With our TIMBER Line, we rely on the pure performance of natural wood and veneer structures.
In the layer structure we differentiate in 5 or 7 layers. With TIMBER 5 the ideal entry into the competition area is possible, with moderate speed but high control rates and thanks to
maximum ball feeling.
TIMBER 7 blades are standing for more hardness and should be understood as the suitable alternative for variable topspin players who prefer to hit the ball with a pure wood racket.

TIMBER 5 ALL/S - controlled strokes forward mixed with variable moves.
A combination of Kiri, Acacia and Limba (outside) makes you feel the ball directly.
Get direct feedback and feel immediately, if you managed to hit the ball clean.
Finely dosed speed and incredible ball feel make it easy to play high quality topspins.
Your game is still in training? You are already an expert, but your game is not just high-speed table tennis? TIMBER 5 ALL/S provides your game the necessary update

Brand: Andro
Item code: 15102402
Weight: 85 g
Layers: 5
Pcs: 1 pcs
Material: Blade
ITTF: yes
Warranty: 2 years

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