BUTTERFLY - Viscaria Super ALC
Collection BUTTERFLY 2022
The Viscaria Super ALC is a blade equipped with Super Arylate-Carbon, which achieves a higher ... See More
Collection BUTTERFLY 2022
The Viscaria Super ALC is a blade equipped with Super Arylate-Carbon, which achieves a higher bounce while maintaining theflexibility of Arylate-Carbon. The basic design of the blade such as the wood veneer structure is based on the classic Viscaria,but the reaction property has been successfully improved without increasing the vibration property. This blade is suitable not only for top players but also for intermediate to advanced players and is recommended for players who want to experience more power utilizing the features of the conventional Arylate-Carbon.
All information you can find here:
Handle: concave (FL), straight (ST)
Weight: app. 85 grams (+/- 5 grams)
Blade size: 157x150 mm
Blade thickness: 5.7 mm
Layers: 5-ply wood + 2 Super Arylate Carbon
Handle size: FL (100x25x34 mm), ST (100x23x28 mm)
Item code: 10102201
The Viscaria Super ALC is a blade equipped with Super Arylate-Carbon, which achieves a higher bounce while maintaining theflexibility of Arylate-Carbon. The basic design of the blade such as the wood veneer structure is based on the classic Viscaria,but the reaction property has been successfully improved without increasing the vibration property. This blade is suitable not only for top players but also for intermediate to advanced players and is recommended for players who want to experience more power utilizing the features of the conventional Arylate-Carbon.
All information you can find here:
Handle: concave (FL), straight (ST)
Weight: app. 85 grams (+/- 5 grams)
Blade size: 157x150 mm
Blade thickness: 5.7 mm
Layers: 5-ply wood + 2 Super Arylate Carbon
Handle size: FL (100x25x34 mm), ST (100x23x28 mm)
Item code: 10102201
Speed: 99
Control: 65
Weight: 90 g
Layers: 5+2
Pcs: 1 pcs
Material: carbon
ITTF: yes
Warranty: 2 years
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