BUTTERFLY - Tosy (Pants)
Collection BUTTERFLY 2021
TOSY - It´s all about the team
The Tosy collection epitomises this concept. The choice of ... See More
Collection BUTTERFLY 2021
TOSY - It´s all about the team
The Tosy collection epitomises this concept. The choice of items, the available colors, the sporty-simple but accentuated design, the materials used and the wearing comfort leave no wishes unfulfilled. But the real highlight is the long-term availability: 5 years (until 2026). All of the items of this collection will be available for this time period and are all available in children´s sizes.
Pants Tosy
Color: black
Material: 100?% polyester
Item code: 10362101
TOSY - It´s all about the team
The Tosy collection epitomises this concept. The choice of items, the available colors, the sporty-simple but accentuated design, the materials used and the wearing comfort leave no wishes unfulfilled. But the real highlight is the long-term availability: 5 years (until 2026). All of the items of this collection will be available for this time period and are all available in children´s sizes.
Pants Tosy
Color: black
Material: 100?% polyester
Item code: 10362101
Gender: unisex
Type: Pants
Weight: 0.5 kg
Pcs: 1 pcs
Material: 100% polyester
Warranty: 2 years
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