Der Materialspezialist - Spinparasite
SPINPARASITE is another milestone in development of frictionless anti spin rubbers.
With this rubber ... See More
SPINPARASITE is another milestone in development of frictionless anti spin rubbers.
With this rubber der-materialspezialist combined the characteristics control, tempo, disruptive effect and spin reversal to an unprecedented alliance.
In passive game situation SPINPARASITE offers a perfect controll.
At this SPINPARASITE produce uncalcualte rotation effects by using different hitting techniques.
At playing against spin notably topspins SPINPARASITE produce a fantastic spin reversal and the return will give your antagonist a difficult task.
The greatest disruptive effect and the best spin reversal you get with the 1.0 mm version.
The 1.5 mm version is the slowest.
Brand: Der Materialspezialist
Item code: 39001707
With this rubber der-materialspezialist combined the characteristics control, tempo, disruptive effect and spin reversal to an unprecedented alliance.
In passive game situation SPINPARASITE offers a perfect controll.
At this SPINPARASITE produce uncalcualte rotation effects by using different hitting techniques.
At playing against spin notably topspins SPINPARASITE produce a fantastic spin reversal and the return will give your antagonist a difficult task.
The greatest disruptive effect and the best spin reversal you get with the 1.0 mm version.
The 1.5 mm version is the slowest.
Brand: Der Materialspezialist
Item code: 39001707
Speed: 45
Control: 95
Weight: 0.1 kg
Pcs: 1 pcs
ITTF: yes
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