Der Materialspezialist - Turtle twister soft
The TURTLE TWISTER SOFT enhances the extreme spin creating surface of the rubber through an even softer ... See More
The TURTLE TWISTER SOFT enhances the extreme spin creating surface of the rubber through an even softer sponge.
Through the even longer contact and dwelling time of the ball and the rubber the modern defensive player can create even higher degrees of spin and it also amplifies the control properties precision and feel for the ball.
TURTLE TWISTER SOFT: Defensive play on the highest level.
Brand: Der Materialspezialist
Item code: 39001716
Through the even longer contact and dwelling time of the ball and the rubber the modern defensive player can create even higher degrees of spin and it also amplifies the control properties precision and feel for the ball.
TURTLE TWISTER SOFT: Defensive play on the highest level.
Brand: Der Materialspezialist
Item code: 39001716
Hardness: soft
Weight: 0.1 kg
Pcs: 1 pcs
ITTF: yes
Warranty: 2 years
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