- Virus 2
NEWVIRUS-2 is an extremely disruptive long pimple rubber of the newest generation with unusually slightly shiny pimple ... See More
VIRUS-2 is an extremely disruptive long pimple rubber of the newest generation with unusually slightly shiny pimple heads that foreshadow the unusual playing characteristics of this rubber.
The pimple geometry of VIRUS-2 is a result of BARNA ORIGINAL having reached and pushed the absolute limits of ITTF regulations and thereby pulling a rabbit out of the magical hat.
With the first hits with the VIRUS-2, not only the opponent will notice the extreme sinking effect of the ball in combination with a wobbly trajectory.
This effect is amplified with active and offensive hits and leads to direct points.
In the sponge version, VIRUS-2 comes with a speed-reducing sponge that enhances control and enables even shorter blocks, making it harder for the opponent to unleash his or her attacks.
BARNA ORIGINAL VIRUS-2: long pimple rubber with the danger of being contagious.
We recommend to mount the rubber with a DK-4 adhesive foil.
Item code: 53002401
The pimple geometry of VIRUS-2 is a result of BARNA ORIGINAL having reached and pushed the absolute limits of ITTF regulations and thereby pulling a rabbit out of the magical hat.
With the first hits with the VIRUS-2, not only the opponent will notice the extreme sinking effect of the ball in combination with a wobbly trajectory.
This effect is amplified with active and offensive hits and leads to direct points.
In the sponge version, VIRUS-2 comes with a speed-reducing sponge that enhances control and enables even shorter blocks, making it harder for the opponent to unleash his or her attacks.
BARNA ORIGINAL VIRUS-2: long pimple rubber with the danger of being contagious.
We recommend to mount the rubber with a DK-4 adhesive foil.
Item code: 53002401
Hardness: medium
Weight: 0.1 kg
Pcs: 1 pcs
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