Yasaka - Rakza Z Extra Hard

New rubbers in the Rakza family RAKZA Z is the new addition to the highly successful RAKZA series of YASAKA rubbers. ... See More


New rubbers in the Rakza family

RAKZA Z is the new addition to the highly successful RAKZA series of YASAKA rubbers. For the first time in the RAKZA series, the top sheet has stickiness by employing a new production method. The result is a surface with exceptional grip, enabling phenomenal spin.
The top sheet is combined with a harder ”Power Sponge”. The result enables you to make strong spin with a very high arc. Serves and short returns are both precise and sharp.
RAKZA Z Extra Hard has an even harder sponge which gives more speed.
The RAKZA Z rubbers are made for attacking players, both close to the table and from half distance.
RAKZA Z - yet another winning combination from Yasaka.

Brand: Yasaka
Item code: 17002002
Hardness: hard
Weight: 0.1 kg
Pcs: 1 pcs
ITTF: yes

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