BUTTERFLY - Dignics 09C
Fan Zhendong´s Choice!
With a sticky surface, DIGNICS 09c offers immense friction and grip leading to high spin value ... See More
Fan Zhendong´s Choice!
With a sticky surface, DIGNICS 09c offers immense friction and grip leading to high spin value and a curved trajectory during topspin if sufficient power is generated to impact the 44® hard Spring Sponge X. The requirement in power, along with the comparatively low speed makes DIGNICS 09c a choice for players of higher skill range and ambition, looking for the benefits of a sticky rubber.
In order to protect the sticky surface, DIGNICS 09c comes with a pre-applied protective foil.
Item code: 10002003
With a sticky surface, DIGNICS 09c offers immense friction and grip leading to high spin value and a curved trajectory during topspin if sufficient power is generated to impact the 44® hard Spring Sponge X. The requirement in power, along with the comparatively low speed makes DIGNICS 09c a choice for players of higher skill range and ambition, looking for the benefits of a sticky rubber.
In order to protect the sticky surface, DIGNICS 09c comes with a pre-applied protective foil.
Item code: 10002003
Spin: 100
Speed: 102
Control: 70
Hardness: medium
Weight: 0.1 kg
Pcs: 1 pcs
ITTF: yes
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