BUTTERFLY - Dignics 64
Collection BUTTERFLY 2020
Spring Sponge X combined with pimples of code no. 64 - which are also used in the popular ... See More
Collection BUTTERFLY 2020
Spring Sponge X combined with pimples of code no. 64 - which are also used in the popular TENERGY 64 - create a rubber with highly dynamic capabilities. DIGNICS 64 offers a soft touch and a flat trajectory during topspin resulting in high speed and pressure for the opponent.
More information on DIGNICS can be found on our special site : https://dignics.butterfly.tt
Item code: 10002002
Spring Sponge X combined with pimples of code no. 64 - which are also used in the popular TENERGY 64 - create a rubber with highly dynamic capabilities. DIGNICS 64 offers a soft touch and a flat trajectory during topspin resulting in high speed and pressure for the opponent.
More information on DIGNICS can be found on our special site : https://dignics.butterfly.tt
Item code: 10002002
Spin: 96
Speed: 108
Control: 75
Hardness: medium-hard
Weight: 0.1 kg
Pcs: 1 pcs
ITTF: yes
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