JOOLA - Dynaryz ZGR
JOOLA 2021
The Dynaryz ZGR is the groundbreaking and long-awaited fusion between a tacky and extremely grippy surface ... See More
JOOLA 2021
The Dynaryz ZGR is the groundbreaking and long-awaited fusion between a tacky and extremely grippy surface structure, and a springloaded powerful sponge. Combining the very best elements of table tennis rubber production, this exceptional rubber is a unique merging of Hyper Traction Surface and Hyper Bounce Sponge, giving players an expanded range of playing gears, and the ability to reach new thresholds of spin production and dynamic power. The rubber table tennis players have always desired is finally here, raise your game with the Dynaryz ZGR!
Brand: JOOLA
Item code: 16002101
The Dynaryz ZGR is the groundbreaking and long-awaited fusion between a tacky and extremely grippy surface structure, and a springloaded powerful sponge. Combining the very best elements of table tennis rubber production, this exceptional rubber is a unique merging of Hyper Traction Surface and Hyper Bounce Sponge, giving players an expanded range of playing gears, and the ability to reach new thresholds of spin production and dynamic power. The rubber table tennis players have always desired is finally here, raise your game with the Dynaryz ZGR!
Brand: JOOLA
Item code: 16002101
Hardness: hard
Weight: 0.1 kg
Pcs: 1 pcs
ITTF: yes
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