BUTTERFLY - Tenergy 19
Collection BUTTERFLY 2021
Tenergy 19 takes performance in a new direction. Tenergy 19 with a newly developed top ... See More
Collection BUTTERFLY 2021
Tenergy 19 takes performance in a new direction. Tenergy 19 with a newly developed top sheet manages to generate more speed and spin than the flagship Tenergy 05.
Allocating pimples with smaller diameter densely - this is the answer obtained by accumulating research results. The special pimple shape results in a top sheet which does not easily yield to the opponent’s attack. Combining this newly developed top sheet with Spring Sponge, the increased power and sense of holding, a feature of the Tenergy series, are achieved. Tenergy 19 gives a high performance not only for active but also for passive shots against strong returns.
Now, it’s in your hand to realize your full potential with Tenergy 19.
All information about this rubber can be found here:
Speed: 13.2
Spin: 11.7
Hardness: 36
Item code: 10002101
Tenergy 19 takes performance in a new direction. Tenergy 19 with a newly developed top sheet manages to generate more speed and spin than the flagship Tenergy 05.
Allocating pimples with smaller diameter densely - this is the answer obtained by accumulating research results. The special pimple shape results in a top sheet which does not easily yield to the opponent’s attack. Combining this newly developed top sheet with Spring Sponge, the increased power and sense of holding, a feature of the Tenergy series, are achieved. Tenergy 19 gives a high performance not only for active but also for passive shots against strong returns.
Now, it’s in your hand to realize your full potential with Tenergy 19.
All information about this rubber can be found here:
Speed: 13.2
Spin: 11.7
Hardness: 36
Item code: 10002101
Spin: 100
Speed: 104
Control: 70
Hardness: medium
Weight: 0.1 kg
Pcs: 1 pcs
ITTF: yes
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