Xiom - Vega Pro Hybrid
NEWThe Vega Pro Hybrid technology makes it easy to attack backspin. The rubber enables controlled, strategic offensive ... See More
The Vega Pro Hybrid technology makes it easy to attack backspin. The rubber enables controlled, strategic offensive play close to the table. The Chinese-like top rubber is slightly sticky, but much easier to control than classic rubbers with a sticky top rubber.
The hybrid characteristics, the optimized thickness of the top rubber and the pimple structure with short pimple heads make the Vega Pro H extremely spin-friendly, supported by the slightly sticky top rubber and the perfect coordination with the specially developed 47.5 Carbo sponge. The rubber plays very sensitively and in a controlled manner, and thanks to the perfect ball trajectory, pressure can be exerted on the opponent very well.
Brand: Xiom
Item code: 23002404
The hybrid characteristics, the optimized thickness of the top rubber and the pimple structure with short pimple heads make the Vega Pro H extremely spin-friendly, supported by the slightly sticky top rubber and the perfect coordination with the specially developed 47.5 Carbo sponge. The rubber plays very sensitively and in a controlled manner, and thanks to the perfect ball trajectory, pressure can be exerted on the opponent very well.
Brand: Xiom
Item code: 23002404
Spin: 97
Speed: 101
Control: 67
Hardness: medium
Weight: 0.1 kg
Pcs: 1 pcs
ITTF: yes
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