- Super Glanti Attack

NEWBARNA'S unique slick rubber SUPER GLANTI set a milestone in the development of this category of disruptive rubbers and ... See More


BARNA'S unique slick rubber SUPER GLANTI set a milestone in the development of this category of disruptive rubbers and has become a bestseller in a short time.

We now offer a development with unusual offensive capabilities: BARNA ORIGINAL presents the SUPER GLANTI ATTACK.
We have combined the top rubber of the SUPER GLANTI with a soft offensive sponge. This combination provides excellent ball feedback and an intriguing offensive game style with slick anti.
With the SUPER GLANTI ATTACK, you can easily push the ball, play pseudo-loops, and deliver disruptive offensive shots, putting your opponent under pressure, especially against backspin or no-spin balls.
When playing passively, the sponge allows for delayed blocks and provides increased spin reversal due to the higher speed.
The SUPER GLANTI ATTACK also offers astonishing possibilities in defense away from the table, generating massive spin reversal and extreme ball trajectories.

Note on installation and care:
Each SUPER GLANTI ATTACK comes with a free glue sheet.
Please use this glue sheet for installation and follow the enclosed assembly instructions.
Regular cleaning with der-materialspezialist Pro Anti Clean cares and protects your GLANTI!

Item code: 53002408
Speed: 45
Control: 100
Hardness: medium
Weight: 0.1 kg
Pcs: 1 pcs

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